The Valpo Surf Project seeks motivated interns looking to learn from new experiences and challenges abroad. We are a youth mentorship organization that uses surfing to instill positive values and life skills in our students during their most formative years. Interns are an integral part of the day-to-day operations of our organization.
An internship with the VSP provides an invaluable opportunity to:
Live and work abroad in Valparaíso, Chile, a unique city in South America.
Make meaningful connections with our students, families, communities, volunteers, and staff.
Experience working with a growing, youth focused non-profit.
Participate in a team that includes members with experience in surfing, social work, and non-profit development.
Improve Spanish speaking skills in a bilingual work environment.
Gain valuable skills in youth mentorship, communication, leadership, and creative problem solving.
Work in a dynamic environment; splitting your time between the beach and the office.
Explore the coast of Chile while learning how to surf with access to the VSP’s surf equipment.
Responsibilities as an intern include:
Working closely with our student populations and communities to form strong relationships and expand impact.
Support staff in organizing and leading programming activities including surf sessions and environmental education.
Directing and assisting in daily administrative and operational related activities.
We are looking for team members who:
Are reliable, proactive, and have a strong ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment.
Have strong problem solving, organizational, and communication skills.
Have a proven ability to work both with a team and independently.
Bachelor’s or associate’s degree encouraged.
Are willing and able to drive VSP passenger vans to and from programming activities.
Conversational Spanish or 1+ years of college-level Spanish courses required (Spanish is the primary language spoken with our students and in the office).
1+ years of experience working with children (ex: camp counselor, babysitter, day care employee, social work, tutoring, or teaching experience).
Applications and internship timelines:
Interns are expected to complete a 6-month commitment.
Applications are open for a December 2023 start date.
Compensation information:
VSP does not pay interns directly.
Housing and certain work-related expenses are covered.
We suggest interns arrive with $2,500 USD for 6-months with VSP, which includes:
All living expenses
Travel Health Insurance
International Driver’s License
FBI Background Check
Not included:
Airfare is variable and depends on where you are flying from. In general, roundtrip flights from the United States to Santiago, Chile (SCL) can range from $600-$1,800 USD.
Additional information:
Prior surf experience is not required to be an intern.
Please direct questions or concerns to