Are you seeking a new job in the surf industry? Do you want to work and live by the ocean?
Here are our recommendations on how to use this job board and how to find your dream job as easily and quickly as possible:
- Browse all surf jobs in one place – filter jobs by location, category, or keywords
- Find your perfect surf job – full-time, temporary, or voluntary positions
- Get in touch with surf employers from all over the world. There are two ways to contact your potential employer. On any given job listing, use “Apply for job” button. If you can’t see the button, the listing has expired or the employer is no longer receiving applications. The first option is to fill out your data write your cover letter and link your online resume/CV. The second option is to buy our Candidate Resume/CV Pack and upload your resume/CV only once on our website and then apply quicker to all future job listings with one click and your predefined resume/CV:
- Apply for open positions directly and upload all your necessary information with our Candidate Resume?CV Pack
- Set up alerts and bookmarks for surf jobs of your choice. You can do both in your User Dashboard
- Upload your surf resume/CV here and use it in our job board to apply quicker or anywhere online in link format. Remember not to worry if you don’t see your resume/CV published instantly since it needs manual approval from our team to be published (that is usually going to happen in the next 24-48h after submitting your resume/CV)
- Subscribe to our curated newsletter on our homepage to get an alert when your perfect position opens and join our Facebook group to stay connected
- Below you’ll find a screenshot of a Candidate Dashboard with a full list of functionalities that you can use when you sign up:
- In your dashboard, you can manage your messages, edit bookmarks and job alerts, add and manage your resume/CV, and browse through your applications.
We hope that we’ve managed to answer your basic questions about how to use this job board and we wish you all the best with finding your next dream job! 🙂
Surf Jobs Team